Course level

Postgraduate Coursework


Humanities and Social Sciences


Social Science School




One Semester

Delivery mode



CRIM3050, SOCY3050, SOCY7000

Assessment methods

Student-negotiated assessment

Course enquiries

Course description

Independent study allows students enrolled in the Master of Social Science to undertake a semester-long piece of research and writing under the supervision of a member of the criminology staff. Enrolling students must have completed #8 of Part A and #8 of Part B of their program. Students should contact a member of the criminology staff at least four weeks before the start of semester, providing a one-page outline of their proposed research and writing. The topic must be approved by the supervisor. Once the topic is approved, the student should contact the Head of Criminology and Sociology and indicate their intention of enrolling in CRIM7050. Before granting permission to enrol, the Head of Criminology and Sociology will consider the value and scope of the project, along with the workload implications for the supervisor. Independent study is not normally approved if other electives are available to the student.


The independent study courses were initially designed for a) students who had excelled in their studies and wanted to get a 'taste' of research by working independently on a small project with a supervisor and/or b) students who showed aptitude to undertake independent research and who had no electives left from which to choose in finishing their degrees. In recent semesters, students appear to be choosing independent study as if it were a general elective in their degrees. The problem for CRIM and SOCY staff is that there is limited capacity to supervise these students. In suggesting the new course descriptions below, the aim is to ensure students applying for entry into these courses better understand their purpose.

Archived offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Semester 1, 2015 (02/03/2015 - 27/06/2015) St Lucia Internal Profile unavailable
Semester 2, 2015 (27/07/2015 - 21/11/2015) St Lucia Internal Course Profile