Graduate Certificate inAgricultural Science
Program and course requirements
Complete 8 units comprising:
- 0 to 4 units from GCAgrSc Foundational Courses, and
- 4 to 8 units from GCAgrSc Flexible Core Courses, and
- 0 to 4 units from GCAgrSc Program Elective Courses
GCAgrSc Foundational Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
AGRC70452 unitsAdvanced Research Methodologies
AGRC70462 unitsLeadership in Rural Industries & Communities
AGRC70472 unitsGlobal Challenges in Agriculture
GCAgrSc Flexible Core Courses
Complete 4 to 8 units from the following:
AGRC70052 unitsAdvanced Agronomy
AGRC70482 unitsPlant Physiology
BIOL70112 unitsMolecular Diagnostics in Plant Protection
BIOL70122 unitsPlant Interactions
BIOL70132 unitsBiosecurity Plant Pests: Invertebrates
BIOL70172 unitsPlant Pathology
ENTM60032 unitsTerrestrial Arthropods
HORT70022 unitsHorticulture Production
LAND70002 unitsWater & Land Resource Management
LAND70092 unitsSoil & Growth Media Management
PLNT68942 unitsPrinciples of Weed Science
PLNT70052 unitsPlant Protection
PLNT70142 unitsPrinciples of Integrated Plant Protection
GCAgrSc Program Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
AGRC41012 unitsEntrepreneurship in Agriculture
AGRC70502 unitsAgribusiness Value Chain Management
AGRC70522 unitsAnimal & Plant Biosecurity
AGRC75012 unitsDesign & Analysis of Experiments
AGRC75202 unitsInternational Agricultural Development
ANIM70012 unitsAnimal Science & Production
ANIM70162 unitsCaptive Wildlife Management & Husbandry
ANIM70232 unitsHuman - Wildlife Interactions
ANIM72402 unitsAnimal Nutrition & Technology
ANIM72412 unitsMolecular Theory, Data & Application in the Animal Sciences
ANIM76202 unitsConcepts in Animal Science
ANIM76212 unitsAnimal Breeding Technology
FOOD70062 unitsFood Safety & Quality Management
FOOD70112 unitsPrinciples of Food Preservation
FOOD70132 unitsFood Chemistry
MGTS75232 unitsSystem Dynamics
MGTS79632 unitsEvaluation of Programs & Projects
MGTS79682 unitsRural Community Development
MGTS79762 unitsEffective Stakeholder Engagement
MKTG79612 unitsAgribusiness Marketing
or courses approved by the associate dean (academic).
Additional Rules
1. Recognition of prior learning
This program is subject to the following credit limits in conjunction with Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and Procedure:
- The maximum credit that may be granted for previous study is 4 units.