Bachelor ofEngineering (Honours)
Program and course requirements
Complete 64 units comprising:
- 8 units for all BE(Hons) Core Courses, and
- One of the following:
- 52 units from Chemical Engineering Plan Options, or
- 52 units from Civil Engineering Plan Options, or
- 52 units from Electrical Engineering Plan Options, or
- 52 units from Mechanical Engineering Plan Options, or
- 52 units from Mechatronic Engineering Plan Options, or
- 52 units from Software Engineering Plan Options, and
- 0 to 4 units from Preparatory Science and Mathematics Courses, and
- 0 to 4 units from First Year Engineering Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 4 units from BE(Hons) Program Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 4 units from General Elective Courses
Selected courses must include at least 24 units at level 3 or higher.
Selected courses must include at most 24 units at level 1.
No credit will be given for ECON1050, ECON1310, MATH1040, SCIE1000, SCIE1100, STAT1201, or STAT1301.
BE(Hons) Core Courses
Complete 8 units for ALL of the following:
ENGG11002 unitsProfessional Engineering
Calculus & Linear Algebra I
Students without at least a grade of C in Specialist Mathematics should take MATH1050 as a program elective before MATH1051.
MATH10712 unitsAdvanced Calculus & Linear Algebra I
Students with a grade of B or higher in Specialist Mathematics (or a 6 or 7 in MATH1050) may take MATH1071. Students with a grade of C in Specialist Mathematics (or a 4 or 5 in MATH1050) should take MATH1051. Students should seek academic advice prior to enrolling in MATH1071.
Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH10722 unitsAdvanced Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations
During the first year of study students can choose to commence in their chosen specialisation or undertake the flexible first year. The flexible first year allows students to keep their options open as to which specialisation they chose to pursue in second year. In addition to completion of BE(Hons) core courses, students undertaking the flexible first year program will complete:
- 2 to 6 units from BE(Hons) First Year Engineering Foundation Courses – comprising
- ENGG1300
- ENGG1500
- ENGG1700; and
- 0 to 4 units from BE(Hons) First Year Engineering Electives Courses; and
- 0 to 4 units from Preparatory Science and Mathematics Courses or General Electives
Note: Choosing fewer than 6 units from BE(Hons) First Year Engineering Foundation Courses may either limit specialisation choices in year 2 or increase the duration of study.
Students will be required to choose their program specialisation by the commencement of second year. First Year Foundation Courses and First Year Engineering Electives can contribute to your chosen specialisation as either a compulsory courses or as electives.
Chemical Engineering Plan Options
Complete 52 units comprising:
- 36 units for one Specialisation from Chemical Engineering, and
- One of the following:
- 16 units for one Major from Chemical Engineering Major Options, or
- 16 units from Chemical Engineering Minor Options, or
- 16 units from Chemical Engineering No Major Option
Chemical Engineering
Complete one Specialisation from the following:
CHEMIE245536 unitsChemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering Major Options
Chemical Engineering Minor Options
Complete 16 units comprising:
- 8 units for one Minor from BE(Hons) Minors, and
- 8 units from Chemical Engineering Advanced or Research Elective Courses
BE(Hons) Minors
Complete one Minor from the following:
COMPUA24558 unitsComputing
DATASA24558 unitsData Science
DESGNA24558 unitsDesign
Chemical Engineering Advanced or Research Elective Courses
Complete exactly 8 units from the following:
CHEE40062 unitsResearch Project
CHEE40072 unitsResearch Project
BIOE43052 unitsBiomaterials: Materials in Medicine
BIOE60282 unitsMetabolic Engineering
BIOE60342 unitsCell and Tissue Engineering
CHEE30082 unitsSpecial Topics C
CHEE33012 unitsPolymer Engineering
CHEE40032 unitsSpecial Topics A
CHEE40092 unitsTransport Phenomena
CHEE40122 unitsIndustrial Wastewater & Solid Waste Management
CHEE40202 unitsBioprocess Engineering
CHEE40222 unitsPrinciples of Absorption
CHEE43032 unitsInterface and Colloid Science and Engineering
ENGG35002 unitsReservoir Engineering
ENGY40002 unitsEnergy Systems
ENVE31502 unitsEnvironmental Systems Dynamics & Modelling
ENVE31602 unitsEnvironmental Phenomena
ENVE46102 unitsEngineering the Circular Economy
MATE43022 unitsElectrochemistry and Corrosion
MATE63012 unitsNanomaterials
MECH43042 unitsNet Shape Manufacturing
MINE32082 unitsPhysical Separation Processes
MINE32122 unitsPyrometallurgy
MINE32192 unitsProcess Mineralogy and Comminution
MINE42032 unitsFlotation
MINE42042 unitsHydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy
Courses on this list may require pre-requisites. Please seek academic advice if required.
Chemical Engineering No Major Option
Complete 16 units comprising:
- 8 to 16 units from Chemical Engineering Advanced Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 8 units from Chemical Engineering Research Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 8 units from Chemical Engineering Breadth Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 4 units from BE(Hons) Program Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 4 units from General Elective Courses
Chemical Engineering Advanced Elective Courses
Complete 8 to 16 units from the following:
BIOE43052 unitsBiomaterials: Materials in Medicine
BIOE60282 unitsMetabolic Engineering
BIOE60342 unitsCell and Tissue Engineering
CHEE30082 unitsSpecial Topics C
CHEE33012 unitsPolymer Engineering
CHEE40032 unitsSpecial Topics A
CHEE40092 unitsTransport Phenomena
CHEE40122 unitsIndustrial Wastewater & Solid Waste Management
CHEE40202 unitsBioprocess Engineering
CHEE40222 unitsPrinciples of Absorption
CHEE43032 unitsInterface and Colloid Science and Engineering
ENGG35002 unitsReservoir Engineering
ENGY40002 unitsEnergy Systems
ENVE31502 unitsEnvironmental Systems Dynamics & Modelling
ENVE31602 unitsEnvironmental Phenomena
ENVE46102 unitsEngineering the Circular Economy
MATE43022 unitsElectrochemistry and Corrosion
MATE63012 unitsNanomaterials
MECH43042 unitsNet Shape Manufacturing
MINE32082 unitsPhysical Separation Processes
MINE32122 unitsPyrometallurgy
MINE32192 unitsProcess Mineralogy and Comminution
MINE42032 unitsFlotation
MINE42042 unitsHydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy
Courses on this list may require pre-requisites. Please seek academic advice if required.
Chemical Engineering Research Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 8 units from the following:
CHEE40062 unitsResearch Project
CHEE40072 unitsResearch Project
Chemical Engineering Breadth Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 8 units from the following:
CHEM12002 unitsChemistry 2
ENGG41032 unitsEngineering Asset Management
FIRE37002 unitsIntroduction to Fire Safety Engineering
FOOD20002 unitsFood Science
FOOD30112 unitsFood Product Development
FOOD30172 unitsFood Safety & Quality Management
MATH20012 unitsCalculus & Linear Algebra II
METR31002 unitsControl System Implementation
MICR20002 unitsMicrobiology & Immunology
MICR20012 unitsFood Microbiology I
BIOMEC245516 unitsBiomedical Engineering
BIOPEC245516 unitsBioprocess Engineering
ENVIRC245516 unitsEnvironmental Engineering
MATERC245516 unitsMaterials Engineering
METAEC245516 unitsMetallurgical Engineering
Chemical Engineering Breadth Elective Courses can also be courses chosen from the majors listed above.
Courses on this list may require pre-requisites. Please seek academic advice if required.
BE(Hons) Program Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
245564 unitsBachelor of Engineering (Honours)
BE(Hons) program elective courses means any courses on the BE(Hons) course list
General Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
Courses which are chosen from this program or other program lists
general elective courses means courses which are chosen from any other undergraduate program course list at the university.
Civil Engineering Plan Options
Complete 52 units comprising:
- 36 units for one Specialisation from Civil Engineering, and
- One of the following:
- 16 units for one Major from Civil Engineering Major Options, or
- 16 units from Civil Engineering Minor Options, or
- 16 units from Civil Engineering No Major Option
Civil Engineering
Complete one Specialisation from the following:
For students completing the BE(Hons) Specialisation in Civil Engineering and the BE(Hons) Major in Environmental Engineering, ENVE2501, ENVE3150, ENVE3160, and ENVE4610 can only be counted towards the BE(Hons) Major in Environmental Engineering requirements.
For students completing the BE(Hons) Specialisation in Civil Engineering and the BE(Hons) Major in General Civil Engineering, CIVL3340, CIVL3380, CIVL3420, and CIVL6121 can only be counted towards the BE(Hons) Major in General Civil Engineering requirements.
For students completing the BE(Hons) Specialisation in Civil Engineering and the BE(Hons) Major in Geotechnical Engineering, CIVL3220, CIVL4230, CIVL4270, and CIVL4280 can only be counted towards the BE(Hons) Major in Geotechnical Engineering requirements.
For students completing the BE(Hons) Specialisation in Civil Engineering and the BE(Hons) Major in Structural Engineering, CIVL3340, CIVL3350, CIVL3380, CIVL4333, and CIVL4334 can only be counted towards the BE(Hons) Major in Structural Engineering requirements.
For students completing the BE(Hons) Specialisation in Civil Engineering and the BE(Hons) Major in Transport Engineering, CIVL3420, CIVL4460, CIVL6410, CIVL6412, and CIVL6415 can only be counted towards the BE(Hons) Major in Transport Engineering requirements.
For students completing the BE(Hons) Specialisation in Civil Engineering and the BE(Hons) Major in Water and Marine Engineering, CIVL4340, CIVL6111, CIVL6112, and CIVL6121 can only be counted towards the BE(Hons) Major in Water and Marine Engineering requirements.
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering Major Options
Complete one Major from the following:
ENVIRC245516 unitsEnvironmental Engineering
GENCIC245516 unitsGeneral Civil Engineering
GEOTEC245516 unitsGeotechnical Engineering
MININC245516 unitsMining Engineering
STRUEC245516 unitsStructural Engineering
TRANSC245516 unitsTransport Engineering
WATMAC245516 unitsWater and Marine Engineering
Civil Engineering Minor Options
Complete 16 units comprising:
- 8 units for one Minor from BE(Hons) Minors, and
- 8 units from Civil Engineering Advanced Elective Courses
BE(Hons) Minors
Complete one Minor from the following:
COMPUA24558 unitsComputing
DATASA24558 unitsData Science
DESGNA24558 unitsDesign
Civil Engineering Advanced Elective Courses
Complete exactly 8 units from the following:
CIVL32202 unitsRock Mechanics
CIVL33402 unitsStructural Analysis
CIVL33502 unitsIntegrated Structural Design
CIVL33802 unitsStructural Steel Design
CIVL34202 unitsSustainable Transport Engineering - Planning and Design
CIVL41452 unitsGroundwater Modelling and Management
CIVL42302 unitsAdvanced Soil Mechanics
CIVL42702 unitsGeotechnical Investigation
CIVL42802 unitsApplied Rock Mechanics
CIVL42902 unitsGeotechnical Infrastructure
CIVL43332 unitsAdvanced Concrete Design
CIVL43342 unitsDesign of Timber Structures
CIVL43402 unitsWind Engineering
CIVL44502 unitsTraffic Flow Theory and Emerging Technologies
CIVL44602 unitsHighway Geometric Design
CIVL45222 unitsAnalytical Methods for the Design of Construction Operations
CIVL45252 unitsSustainable Infrastructure Design
CIVL46052 unitsResearch Thesis B
CIVL61112 unitsOcean, Coastal and Estuarine Engineering
CIVL61122 unitsHydro and Marine Power Renewable Energy Systems
CIVL61212 unitsEnvironmental Hydraulics and Flood Management
CIVL62102 unitsDam Engineering
CIVL62152 unitsGround Improvement
CIVL62502 unitsUnderground Structures
CIVL62202 unitsTailings Design
CIVL63602 unitsAdvanced Structural Analysis
CIVL64102 unitsTransport Network Modelling
CIVL64122 unitsTraffic Behavioural Modelling
CIVL64152 unitsTraffic Analysis and Simulation
ENVE31502 unitsEnvironmental Systems Dynamics & Modelling
ENVE31602 unitsEnvironmental Phenomena
ENVE46102 unitsEngineering the Circular Economy
ENVE61102 unitsEnvironmental Sensor System & Monitoring
FIRE37002 unitsIntroduction to Fire Safety Engineering
FIRE46102 unitsFire Engineering Design: Solutions for Implicit Safety
Courses on this list may require pre-requisites. Please seek academic advice if required.
Civil Engineering No Major Option
Complete 16 units comprising:
- 8 to 16 units from Civil Engineering Advanced Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 8 units from Civil Engineering Breadth Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 4 units from BE(Hons) Program Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 4 units from General Elective Courses
Civil Engineering Advanced Elective Courses
Complete 8 to 16 units from the following:
CIVL32202 unitsRock Mechanics
CIVL33402 unitsStructural Analysis
CIVL33502 unitsIntegrated Structural Design
CIVL33802 unitsStructural Steel Design
CIVL34202 unitsSustainable Transport Engineering - Planning and Design
CIVL41452 unitsGroundwater Modelling and Management
CIVL42302 unitsAdvanced Soil Mechanics
CIVL42702 unitsGeotechnical Investigation
CIVL42802 unitsApplied Rock Mechanics
CIVL42902 unitsGeotechnical Infrastructure
CIVL43332 unitsAdvanced Concrete Design
CIVL43342 unitsDesign of Timber Structures
CIVL43402 unitsWind Engineering
CIVL44502 unitsTraffic Flow Theory and Emerging Technologies
CIVL44602 unitsHighway Geometric Design
CIVL45222 unitsAnalytical Methods for the Design of Construction Operations
CIVL45252 unitsSustainable Infrastructure Design
CIVL46052 unitsResearch Thesis B
CIVL61112 unitsOcean, Coastal and Estuarine Engineering
CIVL61122 unitsHydro and Marine Power Renewable Energy Systems
CIVL61212 unitsEnvironmental Hydraulics and Flood Management
CIVL62102 unitsDam Engineering
CIVL62152 unitsGround Improvement
CIVL62502 unitsUnderground Structures
CIVL62202 unitsTailings Design
CIVL63602 unitsAdvanced Structural Analysis
CIVL64102 unitsTransport Network Modelling
CIVL64122 unitsTraffic Behavioural Modelling
CIVL64152 unitsTraffic Analysis and Simulation
ENVE31502 unitsEnvironmental Systems Dynamics & Modelling
ENVE31602 unitsEnvironmental Phenomena
ENVE46102 unitsEngineering the Circular Economy
ENVE61102 unitsEnvironmental Sensor System & Monitoring
FIRE37002 unitsIntroduction to Fire Safety Engineering
FIRE46102 unitsFire Engineering Design: Solutions for Implicit Safety
Courses on this list may require pre-requisites. Please seek academic advice if required.
Civil Engineering Breadth Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 8 units from the following:
MATH20012 unitsCalculus & Linear Algebra II
ENVIRC245516 unitsEnvironmental Engineering
GENCIC245516 unitsGeneral Civil Engineering
GEOTEC245516 unitsGeotechnical Engineering
MININC245516 unitsMining Engineering
STRUEC245516 unitsStructural Engineering
TRANSC245516 unitsTransport Engineering
WATMAC245516 unitsWater and Marine Engineering
Civil Engineering Breadth Elective Courses can also be courses chosen from the majors listed above.
Courses on this list may require pre-requisites. Please seek academic advice if required.
BE(Hons) Program Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
245564 unitsBachelor of Engineering (Honours)
BE(Hons) program elective courses means any courses on the BE(Hons) course list.
General Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
Courses which are chosen from this program or other program lists
general elective courses means courses which are chosen from any other undergraduate program course list at the university.
Electrical Engineering Plan Options
Complete 52 units comprising:
- 36 units for one Specialisation from Electrical Engineering, and
- One of the following:
- 16 units for one Major from Electrical Engineering Major Options, or
- 16 units from Electrical Engineering Minor Options, or
- 16 units from Electrical Engineering No Major Option
Electrical Engineering
Complete one Specialisation from the following:
ELECTE245536 unitsElectrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering Major Options
Complete one Major from the following:
BIOMEC245516 unitsBiomedical Engineering
COMPEC245516 unitsComputer Engineering
Electrical Engineering Minor Options
Complete 16 units comprising:
- 8 units for one Minor from BE(Hons) Minors, and
- 2 units for all Electrical Engineering Extension Course, and
- 6 units from Electrical Engineering Advanced Elective Courses
BE(Hons) Minors
Complete one Minor from the following:
COMPUA24558 unitsComputing
DATASA24558 unitsData Science
DESGNA24558 unitsDesign
Electrical Engineering Extension Course
Complete 2 units for ALL of the following:
ELEC33102 unitsElectrical Energy Conversion & Utilisation
Electrical Engineering Advanced Elective Courses
Complete exactly 6 units from the following:
COMS41132 unitsPhotonic Engineering
COMS41042 unitsMicrowave Engineering
COMS41052 unitsCommunication Systems
CSSE40102 unitsDigital System Design
ELEC43102 unitsPower Systems Analysis
ELEC44102 unitsAdvanced Electronic & Power Electronics Design
ELEC46202 unitsDigital Signal Processing
ELEC46302 unitsImage Processing and Computer Vision
METR42022 unitsRobotics & Automation
METR62032 unitsControl Engineering 2
Courses on this list may require pre-requisites. Please seek academic advice if required.
Electrical Engineering No Major Option
Complete 16 units comprising:
- 2 units for all Electrical Engineering Extension Course, and
- 6 to 14 units from Electrical Engineering Advanced Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 8 units from Electrical Engineering Breadth Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 4 units from BE(Hons) Program Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 4 units from General Elective Courses
Electrical Engineering Extension Course
Complete 2 units for ALL of the following:
ELEC33102 unitsElectrical Energy Conversion & Utilisation
Electrical Engineering Advanced Elective Courses
Complete 6 to 14 units from the following:
COMS41132 unitsPhotonic Engineering
COMS41042 unitsMicrowave Engineering
COMS41052 unitsCommunication Systems
CSSE40102 unitsDigital System Design
ELEC43102 unitsPower Systems Analysis
ELEC44102 unitsAdvanced Electronic & Power Electronics Design
ELEC46202 unitsDigital Signal Processing
ELEC46302 unitsImage Processing and Computer Vision
METR42022 unitsRobotics & Automation
METR62032 unitsControl Engineering 2
Courses on this list may require pre-requisites. Please seek academic advice if required.
Electrical Engineering Breadth Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 8 units from the following:
ELEC43022 unitsPower System Protection
ELEC43202 unitsModern Asset Management and Condition Monitoring in Power System
ENGG40202 unitsSystems Safety Engineering
BIOMEC245516 unitsBiomedical Engineering
COMPEC245516 unitsComputer Engineering
Electrical Engineering Breadth Elective Courses can also be courses chosen from the majors listed above.
Courses on this list may require pre-requisites. Please seek academic advice if required.
BE(Hons) Program Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
245564 unitsBachelor of Engineering (Honours)
BE(Hons) program elective courses means any courses on the BE(Hons) course list.
General Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
Courses which are chosen from this program or other program lists
general elective courses means courses which are chosen from any other undergraduate program course list at the university.
Mechanical Engineering Plan Options
Complete 52 units comprising:
- 36 units for one Specialisation from Mechanical Engineering, and
- One of the following:
- 16 units for one Major from Mechanical Engineering Major Options, or
- 16 units from Mechanical Engineering Minor Options, or
- 16 units from Mechanical Engineering No Major Option
Mechanical Engineering
Complete one Specialisation from the following:
MECHAE245536 unitsMechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Major Options
Mechanical Engineering Minor Options
Complete 16 units comprising:
- 8 units for one Minor from BE(Hons) Minors, and
- 6 units for all Mechanical Engineering Extension Courses, and
- 2 units from Mechanical Engineering Advanced Elective Courses
BE(Hons) Minors
Complete one Minor from the following:
COMPUA24558 unitsComputing
DATASA24558 unitsData Science
DESGNA24558 unitsDesign
Mechanical Engineering Extension Courses
Complete 6 units for ALL of the following:
MECH27002 unitsComputational Engineering & Data Analysis
MECH37802 unitsComputational Mechanics
MECH34102 unitsFluid Mechanics
Mechanical Engineering Advanced Elective Courses
Complete exactly 2 units from the following:
AERO43002 unitsAerospace Composites
AERO44502 unitsAerospace Propulsion
AERO44702 unitsHypersonics
AERO48002 unitsSpace Engineering
ENGG41032 unitsEngineering Asset Management
ENGY40002 unitsEnergy Systems
FIRE37002 unitsIntroduction to Fire Safety Engineering
MATE43022 unitsElectrochemistry and Corrosion
MECH32502 unitsEngineering Acoustics
MECH33012 unitsMaterials Selection
MECH43042 unitsNet Shape Manufacturing
MECH49502 unitsAdvanced Manufacturing in Practice
MECH49511 unitsSpecial Topics D
METR31002 unitsControl System Implementation
METR42022 unitsRobotics & Automation
TIMS33092 unitsTechnology and Innovation Management
Courses on this list may require pre-requisites. Please seek academic advice if required.
Mechanical Engineering No Major Option
Complete 16 units comprising:
- 6 units for all Mechanical Engineering Extension Courses, and
- 4 to 10 units from Mechanical Engineering Advanced Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 6 units from Mechanical Engineering Breadth Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 4 units from BE(Hons) Program Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 4 units from General Elective Courses
Mechanical Engineering Extension Courses
Complete 6 units for ALL of the following:
MECH27002 unitsComputational Engineering & Data Analysis
MECH37802 unitsComputational Mechanics
MECH34102 unitsFluid Mechanics
Mechanical Engineering Advanced Elective Courses
Complete 4 to 10 units from the following:
AERO43002 unitsAerospace Composites
AERO44502 unitsAerospace Propulsion
AERO44702 unitsHypersonics
AERO48002 unitsSpace Engineering
ENGG41032 unitsEngineering Asset Management
ENGY40002 unitsEnergy Systems
FIRE37002 unitsIntroduction to Fire Safety Engineering
MATE43022 unitsElectrochemistry and Corrosion
MECH32502 unitsEngineering Acoustics
MECH33012 unitsMaterials Selection
MECH43042 unitsNet Shape Manufacturing
MECH49502 unitsAdvanced Manufacturing in Practice
MECH49511 unitsSpecial Topics D
METR31002 unitsControl System Implementation
METR42022 unitsRobotics & Automation
TIMS33092 unitsTechnology and Innovation Management
Courses on this list may require pre-requisites. Please seek academic advice if required.
Mechanical Engineering Breadth Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 6 units from the following:
ELEC23002 unitsFundamentals of Electromagnetism and Electromechanics
ENGG16002 unitsIntroduction to Research Practices - The Big Issues
FIRE37002 unitsIntroduction to Fire Safety Engineering
MECH23102 unitsScience & Engineering of Metals
PHYS20822 unitsSpace Science & Stellar Astrophysics
AEROEC245516 unitsAerospace Engineering
BIOMEC245516 unitsBiomedical Engineering
MATERC245516 unitsMaterials Engineering
MININC245516 unitsMining Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Breadth Elective Courses can also be courses chosen from the majors listed above.
Courses on this list may require pre-requisites. Please seek academic advice if required.
BE(Hons) Program Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
245564 unitsBachelor of Engineering (Honours)
BE(Hons) program elective courses means any courses on the BE(Hons) course list.
General Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
Courses which are chosen from this program or other program lists
general elective courses means courses which are chosen from any other undergraduate program course list at the university.
Mechatronic Engineering Plan Options
Complete 52 units comprising:
- 36 units for one Specialisation from Mechatronic Engineering, and
- One of the following:
- 16 units for one Major from Mechatronic Engineering Major Options, or
- 16 units from Mechatronic Engineering Minor Options, or
- 16 units from Mechatronic Engineering No Major Option
Mechatronic Engineering
Complete one Specialisation from the following:
MECTRE245536 unitsMechatronic Engineering
Mechatronic Engineering Major Options
Complete one Major from the following:
COMPEC245516 unitsComputer Engineering
MININC245516 unitsMining Engineering
Mechatronic Engineering Minor Options
Complete 16 units comprising:
- 8 units for one Minor from BE(Hons) Minors, and
- 8 units for all Mechatronic Engineering Extension Courses
BE(Hons) Minors
Complete one Minor from the following:
COMPUA24558 unitsComputing
DATASA24558 unitsData Science
DESGNA24558 unitsDesign
Mechatronic Engineering Extension Courses
Complete 8 units for ALL of the following:
ELEC24002 unitsElectronic Devices and Circuits
ELEC30042 unitsSignals, Systems & Control
MECH32002 unitsAdvanced Dynamics & Vibrations
METR62032 unitsControl Engineering 2
Mechatronic Engineering No Major Option
Complete 16 units comprising:
- 8 units for all Mechatronic Engineering Extension Courses, and
- 4 to 8 units from Mechatronic Engineering Advanced Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 4 units from Mechatronic Engineering Breadth Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 4 units from BE(Hons) Program Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 4 units from General Elective Courses
Mechatronic Engineering Extension Courses
Complete 8 units for ALL of the following:
ELEC24002 unitsElectronic Devices and Circuits
ELEC30042 unitsSignals, Systems & Control
MECH32002 unitsAdvanced Dynamics & Vibrations
METR62032 unitsControl Engineering 2
Mechatronic Engineering Advanced Elective Courses
Complete 4 to 8 units from the following:
AERO43002 unitsAerospace Composites
AERO44502 unitsAerospace Propulsion
AERO44702 unitsHypersonics
AERO48002 unitsSpace Engineering
COMP37022 unitsArtificial Intelligence
COMP37102 unitsPattern Recognition and Analysis
COMP47022 unitsMachine Learning
CSSE30102 unitsEmbedded Systems Design & Interfacing
CSSE40102 unitsDigital System Design
CSSE40112 unitsAdvanced Embedded Systems
ELEC31002 unitsFundamentals of Electromagnetic Fields & Waves
ELEC33102 unitsElectrical Energy Conversion & Utilisation
ELEC43102 unitsPower Systems Analysis
ELEC44102 unitsAdvanced Electronic & Power Electronics Design
ELEC46202 unitsDigital Signal Processing
ELEC46302 unitsImage Processing and Computer Vision
ENGG41032 unitsEngineering Asset Management
ENGY40002 unitsEnergy Systems
MECH33012 unitsMaterials Selection
MECH32502 unitsEngineering Acoustics
MECH43042 unitsNet Shape Manufacturing
MECH49502 unitsAdvanced Manufacturing in Practice
MECH49511 unitsSpecial Topics D
TIMS33092 unitsTechnology and Innovation Management
Courses on this list may require pre-requisites. Please seek academic advice if required.
Mechatronic Engineering Breadth Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
COMPEC245516 unitsComputer Engineering
MININC245516 unitsMining Engineering
Mechatronic Engineering Breadth Elective Courses can also be courses chosen from the majors listed above.
Courses on this list may require pre-requisites. Please seek academic advice if required.
BE(Hons) Program Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
245564 unitsBachelor of Engineering (Honours)
BE(Hons) program elective courses means courses on the BE(Hons) course list.
General Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
Courses which are chosen from this program or other program lists
general elective courses means courses which are chosen from any other undergraduate program course list at the university.
Software Engineering Plan Options
Complete 52 units comprising:
- 36 units for one Specialisation from Software Engineering, and
- One of the following:
- 16 units for one Major from Software Engineering Major Options, or
- 16 units from Software Engineering Minor Options, or
- 16 units from Software Engineering No Major Option
Software Engineering
Complete one Specialisation from the following:
SOFTWE245536 unitsSoftware Engineering
Software Engineering Major Options
Complete one Major from the following:
COMPEC245516 unitsComputer Engineering
Software Engineering Minor Options
Complete 16 units comprising:
- 8 units for one Minor from BE(Hons) Minors, and
- 2 units for all Software Engineering Extension Course, and
- 6 units from Software Engineering Advanced Elective Courses
BE(Hons) Minors
Software Engineering Extension Course
Complete 2 units for ALL of the following:
DECO38002 unitsDesign Computing Studio 3 - Proposal
Software Engineering Advanced Elective Courses
Complete exactly 6 units from the following:
COMP33012 unitsOperating Systems Architecture
COMP34002 unitsFunctional & Logic Programming
COMP37022 unitsArtificial Intelligence
COMP37102 unitsPattern Recognition and Analysis
COMP38202 unitsDigital Health Software Project
COMP44032 unitsCompilers and Interpreters
COMP45002 unitsAdvanced Algorithms & Data Structures
COMP47022 unitsMachine Learning
CYBR30002 unitsInformation Security
COMS32002 unitsComputer Networks I
COMS45072 unitsAdvanced Topics in Security
COMS62002 unitsComputer Networks II
COSC30002 unitsVisualization, Computer Graphics & Data Analysis
COSC35002 unitsHigh-Performance Computing
CSSE30102 unitsEmbedded Systems Design & Interfacing
CSSE31002 unitsReasoning About Programs
CSSE40102 unitsDigital System Design
CSSE46302 unitsPrinciples of Program Analysis
DECO35002 unitsSocial & Mobile Computing
DECO38002 unitsDesign Computing Studio 3 - Proposal
DECO65002 unitsAdvanced Human-Computer Interaction
INFS22002 unitsRelational Database Systems
INFS32002 unitsAdvanced Database Systems
INFS32022 unitsWeb Information Systems
INFS32082 unitsCloud Computing
INFS42032 unitsData Mining
INFS42052 unitsAdvanced Techniques for High Dimensional Data
Courses on this list may require pre-requisites. Please seek academic advice if required.
Software Engineering No Major Option
Complete 16 units comprising:
- 2 units for all Software Engineering Extension Course, and
- 6 to 14 units from Software Engineering Advanced Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 8 units from Software Engineering Breadth Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 4 units from BE(Hons) Program Elective Courses, and
- 0 to 4 units from General Elective Courses
Software Engineering Extension Course
Complete 2 units for ALL of the following:
DECO38002 unitsDesign Computing Studio 3 - Proposal
Software Engineering Advanced Elective Courses
Complete 6 to 14 units from the following:
Selected courses must include at least 4 units at level 3 or higher.
Operating Systems Architecture
COMP34002 unitsFunctional & Logic Programming
COMP37022 unitsArtificial Intelligence
COMP37102 unitsPattern Recognition and Analysis
COMP38202 unitsDigital Health Software Project
COMP44032 unitsCompilers and Interpreters
COMP45002 unitsAdvanced Algorithms & Data Structures
COMP47022 unitsMachine Learning
CYBR30002 unitsInformation Security
COMS32002 unitsComputer Networks I
COMS45072 unitsAdvanced Topics in Security
COMS62002 unitsComputer Networks II
COSC30002 unitsVisualization, Computer Graphics & Data Analysis
COSC35002 unitsHigh-Performance Computing
CSSE30102 unitsEmbedded Systems Design & Interfacing
CSSE31002 unitsReasoning About Programs
CSSE40102 unitsDigital System Design
CSSE46302 unitsPrinciples of Program Analysis
DECO35002 unitsSocial & Mobile Computing
DECO38002 unitsDesign Computing Studio 3 - Proposal
DECO65002 unitsAdvanced Human-Computer Interaction
INFS22002 unitsRelational Database Systems
INFS32002 unitsAdvanced Database Systems
INFS32022 unitsWeb Information Systems
INFS32082 unitsCloud Computing
INFS42032 unitsData Mining
INFS42052 unitsAdvanced Techniques for High Dimensional Data
Courses on this list may require pre-requisites. Please seek academic advice if required.
Software Engineering Breadth Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 8 units from the following:
COMP38802 unitsInternational Software Development
ENGG40202 unitsSystems Safety Engineering
MATH20012 unitsCalculus & Linear Algebra II
COMPEC245516 unitsComputer Engineering
Software Engineering Breadth Elective Courses can also be courses chosen from the major listed above.
Courses on this list may require pre-requisites. Please seek academic advice if required.
BE(Hons) Program Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
245564 unitsBachelor of Engineering (Honours)
BE(Hons) program elective courses means any courses on the BE(Hons) course list.
General Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
Courses which are chosen from this program or other program lists
general elective courses means courses which are chosen from any other undergraduate program course list at the university.
Preparatory Science and Mathematics Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
CHEM10902 unitsIntroductory Chemistry
PHYS11712 unitsPhysical Basis of Biological Systems
MATH10502 unitsMathematical Foundations II
Preparatory Science and Mathematics Courses are only permitted to be taken if the high school equivalent has not been successfully completed with a grade of B (HA) or higher.
First Year Engineering Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
BIOE10012 unitsPrinciples of Biomedical & Bioprocess Engineering
BIOL10402 unitsCells to Organisms
CHEM11002 unitsChemistry 1
DSGN15002 unitsDesign for a Better World
ERTH15012 unitsEarth Processes & Geological Materials for Engineers
ENGG16002 unitsIntroduction to Research Practices - The Big Issues
ENGG20002 unitsHumanitarian Engineering
PHYS10022 unitsElectromagnetism & Modern Physics
BE(Hons) Program Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
245564 unitsBachelor of Engineering (Honours)
BE(Hons) program elective courses means any courses on the BE(Hons) course list.
General Elective Courses
Complete 0 to 4 units from the following:
Courses which are chosen from this program or other program lists
general elective courses means courses which are chosen from any other undergraduate program course list at the university.
Additional Rules
1.Hurdle requirements
This program requires students to complete the following hurdle requirements:
- Professional practice
A student must—
- complete 450 hours of professional practice approved by the executive dean, and
- satisfactorily complete assessment pertaining to that professional practice, as determined by the executive dean.
2.Recognition of prior learning
This program is subject to the following credit limits in conjunction with PPL 3.50.03 Credit for Previous Studies and Recognised Prior Learning:
- The maximum credit that the associate dean (academic) may grant to a student for other study is 40 units.
- Students must complete a minimum of 2 years of study, in an Engineers Australia accredited degree program, at an Australian University.
3.Class of honours
Specific requirements apply to the awarding of honours in this program.
The class of honours is calculated on the basis of the weighted cumulative grade point average.
weighted cumulative grade point average means the average grade over all attempts at contributing courses where each course grade is weighted by the unit value of the course and the course level.
contributing courses means all courses undertaken at the university which count towards the BE(Hons) or which would have counted if passed but excludes courses where the student was awarded a final grade of ‘P’;
course grade means the final grade for that course if that grade is numeric, or, it means ‘2’ if the final grade is ‘N’ or otherwise it means ‘0’;
course level means —
the fifth character of the course code where that character is 1,2,3, or 4,or
4 when the fifth character of the course code is a 5 or 6, or
5 when the fifth character of the course code is a 7 or higher
Refer to PPL 3.50.12 Bachelor Honours Degrees for more information.
4.Exit awards
- Award of the Bachelor of Applied Technology
A student who withdraws from the program after completing 48 units may be awarded the Bachelor of Applied Technology with an undeclared major, subject to the student-
- gaining credit for at least 42 units from the BE(Hons) course lists, including 8 units for core courses, and
- gaining credit for at least 8 units of courses at level 3 or higher and no more than 24 units of courses at level 1.