Commencing semesters, 2009

Semester 1
Semester 2

Program level


Program code



Arts Faculty
Business, Economics & Law Fac


School of Political Sc & International Studies

Teaching Location

St Lucia

Delivery mode


Course Lists

Please refer to the Bachelors of Commerce/Arts Program Rules for the number of units required from each course list.


Australian/domestic students

Administrative Officer


Phone: 07 3365 9017

International students

International Recruitment Manager


Phone: Outside Australia: + 61 3 8676 7004
Within Australia (Free Call): 1800 671 980

Enquire online

Why study Women's Studies?

Women's Studies became an important field of study in the early 1970s fuelled by the impetus of the explosion of second wave feminism. It has been influential across many disciplines and innovative in pioneering cross-disciplinary modes of inquiry that remain its characteristic methodology. Women's Studies continues to offer innovative and evolving perspectives, and original approaches to social and political problems.

Courses and requirements

Please refer to the Bachelors of Commerce/Arts Program Rules for the number of units required from each course list.

Courses that can be studied as part of the Women's Studies Major:

Employment opportunities

It is widely recongnised that training in women's and gender studies is a great advantage in many areas of employment, given a continuing and growing concern with the advancement of women all around the world, and the need to give women employment opportunities and the ability to use their skills in a wide range of arenas. The informed understanding of issues of gender and inequality given by women's studies courses is a great asset in a wide range of professional areas, particularly in Non-Government organisations, business and management, various public institutions and development. The women's studies major offers both analytical and theoretical training and practical applications for gender research.

What it costs

Please view the Bachelors of Commerce/Arts for indicative fees.

How to apply

Please view the Bachelors of Commerce/Arts for information on key dates and how to apply.