Commencing semesters, 2012

Semester 1
Semester 2

Program level

Postgraduate Coursework

Program code



Social & Behavioural Sciences


Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Teaching Location

St Lucia

Delivery mode


View the Graduate Diploma in International Studies course list for courses that can be studied as part of the Peace and Conflict Resolution field of study.


Australian/domestic students

School of Political Science and International Studies


Phone: 07 3346 9544

International students

International Student Advisor


Phone: Outside Australia: + 61 3 8676 7004
Within Australia (Free Call): 1800 671 980

Enquire online

Why study Peace and Conflict Resolution?

Recent international crises, including those emerging in the Asia-Pacific region, highlight the need for greater understanding of the political, economic and social factors that affect security and stability, as well as the tragic human costs involved in such conflicts. The renewed threat of insurgency and terrorism, humanitarian crises in Afghanistan, central Africa and the Balkans, and the dangers of nuclear exchange in south Asia all indicate the need for more effective strategies for promoting peace and stability. Training for mediation and peaceful solutions to conflicts or potential conflicts in our world is an investment in the future: stable, peaceful and prosperous nations will have a positive effect on global security relations. Our programs equip students with the knowledge and practical skills to engage in conflict resolution, peacekeeping and peace-building in the contemporary global context.

Courses and requirements

View the Graduate Diploma in International Studies course list for courses that can be studied as part of the Peace and Conflict Resolution field of study.

Employment opportunities

This program offers specialist qualifications to help the development of a student's career. The skills and knowledge gained are particularly relevant to those seeking employment in policy-making positions in government agencies, private enterprise, non-government organisations or international organisations.

What it costs

Please view the Graduate Diploma in International Studies for indicative fees.

How to apply

Please view the Graduate Diploma in International Studies for information on key dates and how to apply.