Commencing semesters, 2009

Semester 1
Semester 2

Program level


Program code



Natural Resources, Agriculture & Veterinary Science


School of Land, Crop and Food Sciences

Teaching Location

Gatton, St Lucia

Delivery mode


Course Lists

Please refer to the Bachelors of Agribusiness/Applied Science Program Rules for the number of units required from each course list.


Australian/domestic students

The Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science


Phone: 07 5460 1276 or 1800 642 093 (Freecall)

International students

International Recruitment Manager


Phone: Outside Australia: + 61 3 8676 7004
Within Australia (Free Call): 1800 671 980

Enquire online

Why study Food Science and Nutrition?

Food and nutrition covers all aspects of the food system from farm to fork. The food system is not only concerned with on-farm production, off-farm food processing, and distribution of produce for sale, but also the selection and consumption of the food by the consumer including the effects of food on their health. Food science covers the physical nature and chemical composition of food to enable us to understand how and why food behaves under different conditions of processing and storage. We use this information to improve the safety and quality of food as well as extend the range of products available. The science of nutrition studies the effects of dietary nutrients on growth, development, health and well-being in the population. It also examines the psychological, sociological and cultural factors which influence food choice, with a particular focus on the consequences for health.

Courses and requirements

Please refer to the Bachelors of Agribusiness/Applied Science Program Rules for the number of units required from each course list.

Courses that can be studied as part of the Food Science and Nutrition Major:

Employment opportunities

Community nutritionist, nutrition educator, food policy officer, food product development officer, food microbiologist, food product marketing, food quality assurance officer/manager, consumer enquiries and customer service, nutritionist in the food processing industry or retail industry, nutrition/health/exercise adviser.

What it costs

Please view the Bachelors of Agribusiness/Applied Science for indicative fees.

How to apply

Please view the Bachelors of Agribusiness/Applied Science for information on key dates and how to apply.