Commencing semesters, 2025

Semester 1
Semester 2

Program level


Program code



Engineering, Architecture & Information Technology
Science Faculty


School of Civil Engineering

Teaching Location

St Lucia

Attendance mode

In Person

Course Lists

Please refer to the Bachelors of Engineering (Honours) / Mathematics Program Rules for the number of units required from each course list.


Australian/domestic students

Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology


Phone: 07 3365 4777

International students

International Student Advisor

Email: Outside Australia: + 61 3 8676 7004 Within Australia (Free Call): 1800 671 980


Enquire online

Why study Environmental Engineering?

Environmental engineers are responsible for ensuring the resilience and sustainability of our natural ecosystems and urban environments. The environmental engineering major equips future engineers with the ability to address the challenges of today and those that will emerge in the future. This allows them to pursue a diverse range of career opportunities including design of sustainable cities, management of natural resources and water supplies, development and implementation of pollution control technologies, recovering resources from waste, developing climate adaption solutions and the application of models to inform policies and strategies to enhance the long-term sustainability of economies and societies.

Courses and requirements

Please refer to the Bachelors of Engineering (Honours) / Mathematics Program Rules for the number of units required from each course list.

Courses that can be studied as part of the Environmental Engineering Major:

What it costs

Please view the Bachelors of Engineering (Honours) / Mathematics for indicative fees.

How to apply

Please view the Bachelors of Engineering (Honours) / Mathematics for information on key dates and how to apply.

Professional memberships

Graduates may be eligible for membership with the following professional bodies:

  • Engineers Australia