Course level

Postgraduate Coursework




One Semester


Master of Cyber Security, Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security

Course enquiries

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Course description

The ability to inspire, engage, and lead followers is implicit to leadership effectiveness. Although leaders are often at the heart of the organization, "followers" are the ones that do the work itself. This course draws on knowledge in psychology, human resource management, and organizational behaviour to develop a better understanding of how to lead people and teams. Key topics covered include motivation, communication, conflict management, team dynamics, and development of a healthy organizational culture. These "people skills" rank among the most challenging competencies for both novice and experienced leaders. This course challenges students to understand followers at a deeper level, reflecting on and improving their own leadership practice as we unpack the ingredients that are critical for developing more effective people and better functioning teams. This course utilises a flipped-classroom model of learning. Students engage with online content, including a series of videos, interviews, case studies, quizzes, written reflections, and other self-insight activities. Then in practice-oriented tutorial sessions, students work together to apply their learnings to the cyber security context.