Medical Science 2 (MEDI1012)
Course level
One Semester
Class hours
6 Lecture hours
5 Tutorial hours
4 Practical or Laboratory hours
MEDI1022 Clinical Skills 2, MEDI1032 Ethics & Professional Practice 2, MEDI1041 Global and Community Medicine 1
Restricted to MBBS Students ONLY
Assessment methods
Tutorial assessment, mid-semester exam, end-of-semester exams.
Course enquiries
This course is not currently offered, please contact the school or faculty of your program.
Course description
Medical Science 2 will build on the foundation of knowledge established in Medical Science 1. Students will continue their systems-based application of biomedical sciences (including anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, biochemistry, immunology, and microbiology) and clinical sciences (such as radiology and pathology) to medical practice; once more using the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model. The small-group PBL tutorials will again be supported by a combination of lectures, laboratory classes, expert tutorials and symposia. Medical Science 2 will include the following modules: Nervous System, Mental Health, Reproduction & Development, and Immunology, Haematology & Neoplasia and Musculoskeletal