Course level

Postgraduate Coursework


Business, Economics & Law


Law School




One Semester




LAWS7000 or LAWS7936


JD; GCAppLaw; GDipAppLaw; MAppLaw

Course enquiries

Prof T. Walsh

This course is not currently offered, please contact the school.

Course description

This course is a critical examination of the legal and social issues that arise in the practice of human rights law. It draws comparisons between Australian law and law in other jurisdictions, particularly the United States and Europe. The course seeks to develop students¿ skills in critical analysis by encouraging them to reflect on the role of human rights law within democratic societies, and whether human rights law has the capability to solve complex social problems.

Archived offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Semester 1, 2020 (24/02/2020 - 11/07/2020) St Lucia Internal Profile unavailable
Semester 2, 2019 (22/07/2019 - 16/11/2019) St Lucia Internal Profile unavailable
Semester 2, 2018 (23/07/2018 - 30/11/2018) St Lucia Intensive Profile unavailable
Semester 2, 2017 (24/07/2017 - 18/11/2017) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2016 (25/07/2016 - 19/11/2016) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 1, 2015 (02/03/2015 - 27/06/2015) St Lucia Internal Course Profile