Geological Science

12 units from (including at least 6 units of Advanced courses) -

Course Code Units Course Title
ERTH1000 2 Planet Earth: The Big Picture
ERTH2003 2 Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironments
ERTH2004 2 Structural Geology
ERTH2005 2 Mineralogy
ERTH2006 2 Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology
ERTH2050 2 Field Geology
ERTH3001 2 Ore Deposits & Exploration Geology
ERTH3050 2 Field Geology: Mapping in the Outback
ERTH3060 2 Advanced Structural Geology
ERTH3103 2 Sedimentary Environments
ERTH3104 2 Tectonics and Crustal Evolution
ERTH3203 2 Energy Resources
ERTH3205 2 Geochemistry and Geochronology
ERTH3212 2 Geology of Coral Reefs
ERTH3301 2 Ore Body Modelling
PHYS3071 2 Computational Physics